5 min read

by Leslie Schmucker
The Notebook Method<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> min read</span>
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Consider this familiar scenario. The start of the school year is just behind us. 用品清单又需要一大堆的三环活页夹(笔记本)和标签来组织它们. If you are new to Dayspring, or even if you aren’t, you might sigh, shake your head, and wonder, “Why so many notebooks?”. Why can’t we just get folders? Or those little spiral notebooks? What is a homework notebook? How is that different from a subject notebook? Why do I need to buy one hundred tabs? So many rules!

Welcome to Dayspring. And welcome to the Principle Approach!

det365app在基督教学校中是独一无二的,因为我们的标准超越了传统. The Principle Approach 是一种教育的方法,用科目作为工具来欣赏上帝的荣耀! 它实现这一崇高目标的方法之一是使用笔记本方法.

What is the Notebook Method?

基督教教育基金会(FACE)网站 笔记本方法是这样概述的:“教育的原则方法是一种连贯有序的教与学的方式,它能培养基督徒的品格和自我管理, 基督教学术和圣经推理终身学习和门徒.”

笔记本法帮助家长和老师监督孩子的进步,并直观地展示孩子的性格发展, diligence, and responsibility of the student.

笔记本法帮助家长和老师监督孩子的进步,并直观地展示孩子的性格发展, diligence, and responsibility of the student.

笔记本方法是指导教师和学生参与每门课程的原则方法的重要组成部分. 它建立了一个一致的工具和标准的基督教学术. 学习者是生产者,因为他们建立了自己对一门学科的日常记录, taking ownership of the learning process. 笔记法包含了学习的四个步骤:研究、推理、联系和记录. 它通过“启发理解”来帮助达到圣经教育的目的, correcting the temper, 并形成年轻人的习惯,使他在未来的岗位上有用”(节选自 Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definition of education). 笔记本方法是学生创造力的产物,也是他生产力的永久记录. 它帮助家长和老师监督孩子的进步,并直观地展示孩子的性格发展, diligence, and responsibility of the student.

传统学校采用的方法通常包括反刍学习,最终目标是掌握考试. 考试结束后,几乎没有学习记录,如果有的话. 笔记本方法与“原则方法”的理念“一致而有序的教学和生产力”保持一致.” When a child is finished with a subject, he has a complete record of what he has learned, and has a visual representation of his accomplishments.

What are the benefits of the Notebook Method?

Again, the Foundation for Christian Education’s website offers the benefits of the Notebook Method:

*课程以圣经原则和主要思想为基础. It glorifies God as the Author of the subject.
笔记本电脑是学习的永久记录. 这个学生很重视他的劳动,并且能够回到他的学习中去. 父母可以看到孩子正在教什么,要求什么,并且可以监督孩子的进步.
* The Notebook produces reflective understanding. 论文考试要求学生理解原理和概念. Students reason for themselves and solve problems.

So how does the Notebook Method work? 作业笔记本和科目笔记本到底有什么区别?

把家庭作业笔记本看作是当前学习的记录. 它容纳了学生目前正在做的所有工作, as well as communication between home and school. 家庭作业笔记本上应该有一个标签,每个科目, 以及家庭作业标签和家庭通讯标签. Some teachers will also include a Parent Review tab, 哪一个包含已经完成的工作,并打算向父母“炫耀”. 希望以电子方式保存作业笔记本的学生仍然必须有一个笔记本来存放硬拷贝. 电子笔记本必须整齐有序,每个主题都有单独的文件夹. 笔记本方法的相同原则适用于电子保存的笔记本!



受试者笔记是FACE所描述的学习的永久记录. When students are finished with a unit of study, 他们将完成的作业从家庭作业笔记本中取出,并将其归档到主题笔记本的相应标签中. 高年级学生可以选择每门科目使用一本科目笔记本, or use larger notebooks that hold several subjects. 关键是不要在作业评分和完成之前将其归档到主题笔记本中. By the end of the year, 一个正确归档的科目笔记本是一个学习的宝库,学生可以保存它以供进一步参考,或者只是作为他的成就的纪念.

The Notebook Method is a method of scholars. 这与当今追求快速回报的文化背道而驰, instant information, and learning at the surface. It takes discipline and work ethic. But in the end, it is well worth the time and effort. 在家里留出架子放孩子的笔记本. Watch his library grow year after year, knowing that from graduation and beyond, 他det365app学校的教育将有一个永久的记录. This is infinitely valuable, 因为每本笔记本都将记录你的孩子“在我们的主和救主耶稣基督的恩典和知识中”的成长,以使他“从现在到永恒的日子”都得到荣耀.” (2 Peter 3:18)